What madness has seized you, Sir Paul McCarntney, to play a Prussian soldier and a British soldier (yes, both roles) in a truce during the First World War in 1914? Curiously, the great Paul agreed to cut their hair to film these scenes moving.
is seen that lately I have been crazy about the vestiges of the past as it is shown by this and previous posts. But something happens to be old to be interesting. For modernity will shave his mustache and put in place san plasmas Martin to watch the final of the Libertadores, oligarcones.
1) Very interesting site that offers high-resolution images of scanned pages of old books inconseguibles. From the classic orbium coelestium the Revolutions of Copernicus, published in 1543, to an ancient variety of original editions of Shakespeare, through curious volumes of anatomy and zoology written at the time that the same type was a writer, climber, veterinarian, engineer and astronatua. Outstanding among them all " Poissons, Ecrevisses et Crabe, various Couleu " book with drawings of fish crazy crazy color by Louis Renard, inventor of the double plunger and spoon-fork (the latter two figures were added by the author of the post for color). Well, the site is called "Rare Book Room" and have access to beautiful collections, here.

2) mysterious man whose main occupation is leaving the news background images. Not only that, but manages to do wearing the same thing. The full story here . And for those who do not want to read all that, I tell them that they finally find him. His name is Paul Yarrow 40 years old and is a volunteer in many organizations and won the prize "Good Samaritan" of the South London Press. seems that his father was a pilot in WWII and received a medal from King George, and we know much of his life but it is best that we have no idea what it takes to appear again and again as a backdrop for outdoor mobile various UK television news. As I said above, all the details here .
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