Thursday, October 21, 2010

Mswmm Files Won't Open

All is not lost - Or how I survived 40 days without a breath

cells after threatening letters and tired of receiving phone calls demanding the return to the blog, way to comment on a few things. On the one hand, the work has kept me terribly busy. From this I can say that I'm only working on the development of a documentary that promises to be the revelation of the century 21. More info later in time.

Furthermore, this blog has been affected by the high volume of work, but not so far from closed. Perhaps if the pace of posting is a bit slow. In any case I recommend going out to enjoy the spring before the heat becomes so oppressive that the only thing we can do is drink beer in a state of near total numbing.

Third, high parades in Chacarita. How I love the neighborhood. What's "fat" I think it's a little more.

Fourth, as who knows when I'll be back to attack all fronts of the Internet to offer the very best and most interesting of the web, I will leave a high content accompanying quality until my return. This is an interview Look to the magnificent Charles, author of Under The Sun Tremendo, highly recommended novel, and author of "Carlito Borderline, blog where we keep track of their daily vicissitudes, such as whether the refrigerator is broken, or you just The faso. Genius of the universe. The interview was conducted by two guys with a future to those who I have the pleasure of knowing personally, and Guarnieri Mendelbaum fools. The interview is the first installment of his series "Literary Inquisitions" in which interview the kids that really matter.

Well, there it is. Continue to enter every day for news, but do not hate me if you can not find them. Ho Ho Ho.



Sunday, September 19, 2010

Tattooing On Genitalia

The Internet is my best friend

After two hectic weeks and lively; to visit Franky's brother who lives abroad, new personal and work projects, and more questions, we have reached the point of having to sit on a Sunday at noon to make a new post. Damn you, Walt Whitman, I wear my leggings. But hey, a blogger has to do what a blogger has to do. In future all posts will be daily, not just a shower of links, but should a critical and comprehensive analysis of each. If you read a post I will, if they are agile, about 180 minutes. So be thankful for what they have. In the future we can also wash into a kind of washing machine, fully clothed and dry out ready for the day, with water at 41 degrees Celsius. But for now we continue with the traditional method so without further ado let's get on with it.

unu) The only place we need to live life: "1001 rules for my unborn son", or 1001 rules for my unborn child. The author of this site attempts to compile a thousand and one maximum to teach your child when born, but he believes that when you arrive the father is half geek so I better write this while still young. The truth is that I want to live my life like this, and certainly try to instill these values \u200b\u200bto my 8 children.

# 453: Returns a borrowed car with a full tank of gas.
# 447: Do not park right outside the bar.
# 430: Do not lie to your doctor.

# 416: When you go to meet someone, do not choose the bar or restaurant that is closest to your home.
# 38: Never call someone's house before 9:00 am or after 9:00 pm.

1001 rules for very unborn are here . (In English)

doi) The future in news reading. Newsmap called and Japanese, and has a very crazy interface, you can choose the country and the sections (international, politics, sports, etc.), and shows you the major news media and agencies in a nice visual mosaic. Try it, Dopey! Here

So will your screen

trei) It seems that many people are curious lover of maps Internet, and the Strange Maps blog by Frank Jacobs is another great example. From a level where you trace the gang territories in Los Angeles to an odd-shaped design of animal quarters in southern Sudan, this site offers 97 pages of maps and plans to hang out. Here .

Patru) converirte Want to model? Or learn to play poker? Choose a cell phone model? Impress your in-laws with a crash course in etiquette? The site "So You Want" (So you want ..) offers hundreds of tutorials and tips to dispel all doubts and concerns. Great source of general and specific knowledge to delight the whole family. So you want to, here!

Well, dear, that's all for today. I leave my best wishes and we will meet again sooner than you think.

Is It Normal For A Kid To Have Sensitive Teeth

Stella Artois - World Draught Master

Each year, Stella Artois Championship celebrates "World Draught Master", where experts drinks servers around the world compete to see who is the most pulenta serve when a stellite.

turns out the golden nectar is served a ritual, and may Degler in nine steps to reach perfection (Learn something every day). And the winner becomes an ambassador for Stella Artois, traveling the world, beer making, serving and being generally happy. That sound right? This year, for the first time, contestants will participate Argentine competition, so I suggest that if anyone has a bartender friend tells you to get in touch with the people of Stella Artois, who will be training the bartenders those bars that serve beer. The national finals will be held at the Malba, for serving beer is an art, on 28 September. But attention, do not have to be bartenders to participate, will also be taking courses in different bars mortals as one of the most knowledgeable beer that is enjoyed with a plate of peanuts. So

Atenti the bricks that the fate of those things you could be competing in the global finals in London on October 28th!
not say I did not notice and as I told his mother of young children, you can become anything they want to be, like this lady, who won the contest last year:

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

How To Soften New Red Brick House Exterior

Training to be a pirate is to be 5 cold showers a day.

Trying to juggle many balls in the air without dropping any, and all this is compounded by the imminent arrival of spring. A challenge by the Chinese horoscope. But given the difficulty we get chest to approach a new potpourri of curiosities ciberdigitales and stereo. We hope you enjoy them.

1) outtakes from the videos of Bill, our old friend television that we sell fishing rods and teach us every week all the tricks in order to catch these tasty and plump fish that will allow us to boast to our co-workers that our life is much better and more satisfying than theirs.

2) 100 scientific films to watch online. Organized by topics such as drugs, environment, the exciting field of geology, nature and space. Be worth a little walk, it is to learn while watching TV. Here .

3) Do you know what to do if he is buried alive? What if it comes to smoke a rhino? Or how to survive an accident in bungee jumping? These are questions that every human being should answer, and indeed the survival manual "Worst Case Scenario" answers to our relief. Read these three articles by clicking here , and if you like you can buy the book and lend it.

4) The largest compendium of serial murderers on the web: All Serial The name says it all, and have access to the darkest corners of the human mind with a simple click here .

5) Interesting work of photographer Jack Radcliffe about his daughter Alison, who photographed from baby until it became a woman, going through different stages, dating, fashion, etc.. A little close at times, but without getting too weird. Here .

How To Make Handmade Rc Boat

The return of the year - Aux predateurs

Yes sir, there are times when humanity reaches the peak in a field, and any progress beyond a certain point is detrimental to the product itself. Some examples are winamp, VLC media player, Tru TV channel, the gnocchi with bolognese and bike ride. It's the classic concept of "less is more" and "why fix it if it is not broke."

Regarding cookies / snacks / snacks or as you want to call back in the 80 and 90 was reached this peak, with the development of compelling Kesbun cheese cookies. After years of being out of the market, period called "the dark era of snacks" by historians, an ingenious group of scientists recently found the solution to all our cravings for snacks problems had been discovered, and finally prevailed on the crazy logic of developing new ideas and products Kesbun again, and not as chip. No, again with all its splendor and sweetie and now you can request them to run to your Kiosquero and / or grocer friend. They also say the shoes are going back arrow, public telephones and ticket booth space of the class of colors that cuts your driver. Faaachu, dude.

But then, as now nothing is anything without a group on facebook, as well as running your Kiosquero friend you can run virtually and make friends with the return of kesbun on facebook, with a click here .

Friday, September 3, 2010

Cervix 1 Day Before Af

Kesbun tentaculaires, Aux Boulimie monopolistic!

"W and don't want no war on this Carnival day, all we want is peace, love, happiness and joyful time."

1) You have dreamed about this man?

If so, is not the only person who has. It seems this kid is the recurring dream of hundreds of people every night, throughout the world (or so says the site report). The story begins when a patient tells his psychologist who often dreams of a man who does not know, until one day decide to make an identikit, which is on the psychologist's desk for months until one day another patient recognizes the drawing of your dreams. Hence the chain is assembled between psychologists and universities and zaz, here we are. Theories range from that this man is God to those who say this is all nonsense. For now all we can do is publishing her face and hope that one will recognize. All info on This shocking story that we do not know if it is true or false, here.

2) Ph.D. in particle physics tutorial written on how to increase your chances of getting seat on the bus, complete with diagrams and psychological profiles of the passengers. A fascinating read. Here .

3) If the moon is fair support in Buenos Aires, its dimensions would take the following territory:

who thought the moon was bigger?

And if the battle Stalingrad had been delivered in Buenos Aires, the bloodiest fighting house to house had happened in Merlo, Lafe, Ramos and had come to the River.

The BBC produced a beautiful place called BBC Dimensions, which allows us to trace the dimensions of lot of things on a google map and the location we want to understand a little better size things. Historic cities, monuments, twin towers, the international space station, what size would occupy if they were placed in Plaza de Mayo?

Highly educational. BBC Dimensions, here .

4) Amazing compilation of videos from companies dating from the 80s, where men appear on camera, we describe and tell what they are seeking. (In English)

5) For the amateur photographer, or experienced, or just the curious who want to improve your photos a touch, 10 rules of composition at the time of capturing images. A simple tutorial below, because in English Is Different! 2.0 we like to give something back to people. (In English) Here .

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Where To Buy A Ship's Ladder?

Last night I beat my recurring nightmare. Now I'm invincible.

"And he had a dream, dreamed of a ladder set up on land, and whose summit reached to heaven, and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it."

peteĩ) Selection of spectacular photos from the archives of National Geographic. Because the world never ceases to be amazing. Here .
Mokoia) article featuring 50 things we did not know a year ago. Is in English so I leave a couple here:
Domestic pigs can learn to use mirrors to find food.
The higher the BMI of a patient, the less will be respected by your doctor.
were discovered more than 350 new species of animals in the Himalayas, including the world's smallest deer and a species of frog flying.
Watermelon is more effective than water when rehydrating the body.

complete list, here .

mbohapy) Best Old World. Hopefully at that age has such ability to wobble and can do this with the girlfriend of Franky:

irundy) The strange fetish of George W. Bush by the bare come to light in this post worthy of the Pulitzer. Post all photos here .

Five) For you, that "The Net" with Sandra Bullock is your favorite movie, a site that compiles tutorials to become a Hacker. Have texts for beginners, so if a fighter does not like you can learn Fulbe. Unless you do not know English, in which case you can use the automatic translator of google. Finally, several tutorials on how to access computers on the side, here.

Well, they liked or disliked? Tomorrow

more questions, tell them to their friends please.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Sjould I Get A Steeptech

choosing camping area is preferable to open spaces, free of weeds or tall grass. The acting

Sale post cortito and foot. Work and various tasks interfere with the normal development of cyber beast is English Is Different! 2.0. The dark swallows will fly longer.

1) Tired of yellow jackets at home, cleaner home made Yankee wasps.

2) Happy friendship day to all those who deserve it. This is my message and my wish for you:

3) Who needs a woman when you can have the relentless Cold Steel giant sword? Capable of cutting half a pig "in a single pass." To share with the kids. Not a minute of this video goes to waste. If you want to buy the sword, click here . Via Mat El Loco.

4) Weekly food consumption of a typical family by country. Full post, here .

Eine deutsche Familie

A crazy Chinese

The Benvenutto d'Italia

want more?

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Birthday Cakes That Look Like Pool Tables

chabón friend of MacGyver

was it called the fat kid that played the role of Jack Dalton, a friend of MacGyver?

And that always makes grizzled gangster? Yes, Buenos Muchachos who fights with Joe Pesci ...?

And the father of Laura Palmer in Twin Peaks?

And Phoebe's brother? I saw him in a thousand movies ...

Para ... And this fat kid that always goes by average private detective or mafiosete chanta?

The supporting actors are a breed apart and deserve recognition. That's what makes the site "That Guy", puts his name to the face that we recognize both the movies and series and to put the seal of quality to any film.

Here are some of the qualities we should be "that guy" to enter in the privileged group of actors "second" who are not doing anything wrong.

  • They have about 75 movies or serials to his credit.
  • you remember someone more famous. (The fat that is equal to Danny DeVito?)
  • are the typical ethnic stereotype.
  • tend not to have your photo on IMDB.
Finally, meet hundreds of these players and see how many you recognize and know the name, accessing "That Guy" here!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Working Pokemon Emerald Cheats Gpsphone

capita Qua dementia you?

What madness has seized you, Sir Paul McCarntney, to play a Prussian soldier and a British soldier (yes, both roles) in a truce during the First World War in 1914? Curiously, the great Paul agreed to cut their hair to film these scenes moving.

is seen that lately I have been crazy about the vestiges of the past as it is shown by this and previous posts. But something happens to be old to be interesting. For modernity will shave his mustache and put in place san plasmas Martin to watch the final of the Libertadores, oligarcones.

1) Very interesting site that offers high-resolution images of scanned pages of old books inconseguibles. From the classic orbium
coelestium the Revolutions of Copernicus, published in 1543, to an ancient variety of original editions of Shakespeare, through curious volumes of anatomy and zoology written at the time that the same type was a writer, climber, veterinarian, engineer and astronatua. Outstanding among them all " Poissons, Ecrevisses et Crabe, various Couleu " book with drawings of fish crazy crazy color by Louis Renard, inventor of the double plunger and spoon-fork (the latter two figures were added by the author of the post for color). Well, the site is called "Rare Book Room" and have access to beautiful collections, here.

2) mysterious man whose main occupation is leaving the news background images. Not only that, but manages to do wearing the same thing. The full story here . And for those who do not want to read all that, I tell them that they finally find him. His name is Paul Yarrow 40 years old and is a volunteer in many organizations and won the prize "Good Samaritan" of the South London Press. seems that his father was a pilot in WWII and received a medal from King George, and we know much of his life but it is best that we have no idea what it takes to appear again and again as a backdrop for outdoor mobile various UK television news. As I said above, all the details here .

3) 2 over historical photos color: Russia in the early twentieth century, here.

Alim Khan, Emir of Bukhara, portrait with sword drawn between 1905 and 1915

the world (I guess that Russia included), here .

do not know what is this, but the guy seems lifted from a Jacques Tati film, a French postman or something.

So is it or want more?

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Freestyle Wrestling Singlets Breast Ca

Rolex-Sport Top Product Sale For You! Damn

We apologize for the ladies and gentlemen readers of this blog as my absence last week. Is that sometimes the bustle of the real world make you walk away from this virtual space, but one always comes back as a tired horse to where he grew up. Have

entry into the hand that a gentleman is going to ask nicely in the reel. Remember that it is forbidden to enter with food and cameras. Not so with video cameras. Kindly keep track of children and NEVER NEVER EVER take your arms out the window.

1) The artist Mark Jenkins (4th year, Washington DC) is leaving bodies out there. The term refers me to the phrase that my friend kiel responds to the classic "how's it going?", Which says: "Here we go, kicking bodies." But anyway, do not get distracted, back to Mark. On the streets of Sweden, France, Washington and other cities is leaving bodies that decorate the city and attract the attention of passersby. They are not always dead, but those are the ones I like. All your page, here .

also do other things like:

2) The Vietnam War was the longest fought by the United States, and the only lost (without getting into local conflicts such as the First Seminole War). For about 10 years the empire tried to dismantle the guerrilla army of North Vietnam until he finally gave up because of international pressure and society to the tremendous expense and the high death toll. Anyway, that was the only time I touched her ass to the rule and could not fix it with little money. But the war in Viet-fucking-nam was much more than that, and here is a selection of photos to prove it. Strong enough, I put here perhaps the most light. If you want to see more, click here .

tank North Vietnamese forces entered the presidential palace in Saigon. The South has fallen.

"War is hell"

Helicopters northwest of Saigon near the Cambodian border.

3) And as we are with the history and old stuff, a strange page not only displays, but it sells old maps and atlases from around the world, with most ranging from century old 16 until the 19 th century. Crazy. By 30,000 euritos everything you buy an atlas of America published in 1600. But if you wanted to spend that much, this beautiful map of Argentina and Chile in 1850 cost only 125 euros.

(click to enlarge)

A vicoca, sure I bought it in 2011 when I improve a little the matter. But Well, that has a very interesting collection. Can see the whole thing by clicking here .

Tomorrow I promise more wonders of the 21st century. I like to think that if he had lived in the early twentieth century had been a scout or, at worst, guilty conscience and history, had had one of those traveling shows that carried bearded women, fetuses in jars, Siamese Chinese and goats that climb trees to every corner of civilization, selling magic tonics and scamming people.