how they see Oscar says to do a daily strip on the Internet is the easy way? ??????????? GUEY POOR NOW IF ALREADY LOST!.
Daily Draw is the easy way. despises Bachan work in advertising and that's ALO THAT ONLY MAKES YOU PAY A LITTLE DA PA what you eat. tranza what this tiololo?
course, the idiot did not understand the concept of potholes "play" and tangles saying that this is not a professional. First you have to understand what you are saying
buddy !!!.. By the way, read his post to calm accusing others confess the real reason why they took him right out in the street bongo comics. "If you get the star, or kicking bother ..."
Now, Don Oscar said it is very important "direction and approval" in a comic (especially a comic K because in this life is going.) And I wonder, if Karmatron had that "guide fresh, with a puntoi of view of others and neutral, and corrected all the problems of anatomy and so on." fuck it failed again ????????????? eh ???????? ¿?????????? eh eh ?????????????????
thing is that Oscar ENVY Bach because Bach can afford to give away his comic online. And not because neither they swallow given that we are karmacuates osease 98% of the population of comic book fans. And no, Bach tap depends on the comic to live and according to what they tell me, does not live at all bad.
And a call to the fans who want to make comics: If you rather go to Gantus and gaby to review their portfolios, because if they go with Oscar, only receive two things: O horrible reviews so that you feel superior, or called his cult where work without pay in return. You decide
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