Legionnaires, I've walked into other things that prevented me from being aware of the blog of Don Oscar. Yesterday I caught up on the iPod (which by the way che page is so heavy and it takes so long to load that poor ipod is dazed, but anyway). And I'm seeing a post about 4 days ago in which he announced his program karmacuanticaradio.
That was not unusual, what I thought was strange is that said that the show was going to answer us. if the EDK! and I said to myself "and he replied that if we talked about? ahhh wait, already! maybe I answered your challenge edgar Legionnaire. Remember? Edgar offered to buy Karmatron (and many support) if Oscar drew the comic with money, "his of the" (if karmamadads partners or alliances to be). Is that what you said? Or you say? Who speaks? and if it speaks to us because it does not in writing as we do? "Be afraid that things are written? Nooooooo! jkajajjajaja if so, do not write much barrabazada everywhere.
mother that I learned. Has anyone heard of the program? is more learned than anyone would have a program where "can listen to our usual responses to the edk who spend distorting and putting in their crops to many assumptions and activities k?. I
static! someone explain to me please.
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