Wednesday, September 8, 2010

How To Soften New Red Brick House Exterior

Training to be a pirate is to be 5 cold showers a day.

Trying to juggle many balls in the air without dropping any, and all this is compounded by the imminent arrival of spring. A challenge by the Chinese horoscope. But given the difficulty we get chest to approach a new potpourri of curiosities ciberdigitales and stereo. We hope you enjoy them.

1) outtakes from the videos of Bill, our old friend television that we sell fishing rods and teach us every week all the tricks in order to catch these tasty and plump fish that will allow us to boast to our co-workers that our life is much better and more satisfying than theirs.

2) 100 scientific films to watch online. Organized by topics such as drugs, environment, the exciting field of geology, nature and space. Be worth a little walk, it is to learn while watching TV. Here .

3) Do you know what to do if he is buried alive? What if it comes to smoke a rhino? Or how to survive an accident in bungee jumping? These are questions that every human being should answer, and indeed the survival manual "Worst Case Scenario" answers to our relief. Read these three articles by clicking here , and if you like you can buy the book and lend it.

4) The largest compendium of serial murderers on the web: All Serial The name says it all, and have access to the darkest corners of the human mind with a simple click here .

5) Interesting work of photographer Jack Radcliffe about his daughter Alison, who photographed from baby until it became a woman, going through different stages, dating, fashion, etc.. A little close at times, but without getting too weird. Here .


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