Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Where Is Rick Jenerette?

This is my friend Charlie Brown Charlie Brown

"When the world goes a Jeffrey, only touches the wall hairy."
Abraham Lincoln, 1879.

1) If you're nerdy or you have a nerdy friend, and you have a little extra ticket (not so much either, this no longer a popular blog), you can entrust one of 11 suggested gifts in the following post . Each item has a link below to buy it. If anyone is feeling generous, I want one of those self-sustaining ecosphere with a totally enclosed ecosystem. If you do not know what I mean is that it will be worth mob the list of 11 recommended gift for a nerd. ACA ! (Aerogels, rocks from Mars, a bit of gallium, or why not your own genotype, the identity card for excellence, among other fascinating objects.)

2) Never say no to Panda. Commercial funny no where.

For those who do not handle the subtitles, the only dialogue is "Panda want some?" (Seems to be some cheeses), "No, thanks."

3) Another of those beautiful posts of "the decade in pictures." For if you remembered that pulled the twin towers. Find out! Post Totally Cool Pix. With that name what you will not get in? HERE!

"Mr President, just informed me that it's over orange juice"

4) And yes, the video that everyone expected, a group of Belgian 70 'doing a cover of a popular Brazilian theme. Hypnotic. And a little happy:

almost more bizarre than the panda, not it?

5) Curious two Danish photographic project, Sofia Wraber and Nanna Kreutzmann: Portraits of men, from age 0 to 100. All different subjects. It would be better if it were the same, but hey, that would be sailed. Equal worth. Here!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Juice From Concentrate Good For You

"Then, before leading my troops on the battlefield, we got drunk and we drogábamos; sacrificábamos a teen area , drank his blood, we undressed leaving us only with the shoes and we walked into the battle with colorful wigs and flirty purses stolen from civilians had. We killed all we saw, we cut their heads and we used to play football. We were naked and drunk, we were reckless and murderous. We killed hundreds of people, all that she lost count. "

The words are from terrible Joshua Blahyi, better known as Gen. Butt Naked. This leader participated in the Liberian Civil War in the mid 90's ', against the mad Charles Taylor, who after the war he ran for president (and won) under the slogan "He killed my pa, he killed my ma, but I vote like it."

Before becoming a warlord, was the priest Blahyi of his tribe, which began in the practice of human sacrifice. During one of those experiences, the mad Joshua says he was contacted by the devil, who said he was going to become a great soldier, but should continue with the sacrifices and add a touch of cannibalism to join forces.
a pretty screwed. After the civil war under a change, and now a preacher. He says it can not be blamed for all the mad things he did before because he was possessed.

More info and sources:

Monday, January 17, 2011

Do Babies Suffer Through Sids

My friend I am a dinosaur in China factory

I apologize for being gone so long. It's like toilet Pereyra says: "Sometimes I pretend to be dead to see who's going to cry." Having said that, I think it's best to go on with it, exchange links rabid hotter the Internet.

1. Future Me. Service that lets you write an email to yourself and program to be sent at a future date. The idea is to write now and 2023, for example, you arrive. "Franky, buy potatoes and detergent." If we can spend more pragmatic on Saturday afternoon to send all mail birthday greeting a decade from now all we know. Or, we can whore all who hate today, but that they know in 15 years. Here .

2. The people of the Found Footage Festival is dedicated to rescuing videos that are real gems and publish them on your site. Too bad they did not stop there, but also take the liberty to present the video and make funny jokes. In any case, it is a great site and worth is worth looking at all your videos. Such as the following Mikenastiscs where good Mike teaches us to do all sorts of calisthenics. Forward a minute and a half to go directly to the pope.


3. I will save you time and frustration with the following data. Want to know what makes women happy? Yes? Want? It's simple: a big salad. And it Check out the following blog post from The Hairpin, "Women Laughing Alone With Salad" that compiles many pictures to show what I am saying. Here .

4. According to a team of researchers at Cambridge, most boring day in history was the April 11, 1954. Sunday, to boot. These lunatics put together a search engine that compares more than 300 million records and eventually established that during that day was not anything too interesting. Roughly as happened was that a scholar born Indian. More info here .

5. The "Mattress Man" original
leaves everything on the court.

And Phillip Seymour Hoffman in Punch Drunk Love, too. Schmukler crazy contribution.

Until tomorrow, friends.