According to Oscar González Loyo, historical memory is the memory of the past is always in your favor. That is, remember him for what he did not remember that editorial, and thanks to her father worked there Oscar Gonzalez Guerrero. This "memory" has put the name of Kalari Kunda Zuyua inventing the Maya (which seems to be even there the Maya Zuyua. The Zuyua is a language) they call it the "historical memory." Well
. This post aims to be the Kalamari Kunda (we prefer to call it, because you know that there kalari kunda. Not in the concept of historical memory handles Oscar, although Mr. continues to insist on deceiving concepts people invented) than it was and it was this blog. If Legion and Legionnaires, trolls and troll, and kabunas kabunes, alex cross and Qbeta, this is the latter one post on this blog.
January 8 was completed one year of WolverineGate , an event that gave rise to rebound I first created, a place that was "banner" or "banned" by Google and then this wonderful losedek. And at 1 year of birth of all this I consider that it has closed a cycle. This blog was what I wanted to do (summary in a nutshell):
1. Oscar let you know that many people are already tired of their hostilities and lies.
2. Make people know that there is another version to complaints and accusations of Oscar.
it became clear that Mr. never know who I am and that was what made me motivated me to open this space. Never know, not only because I have decided to remain anonymous, but because her whole life has hurt left and right without realizing literally. I am convinced that he believes is right and that "help" others. And it will until the end of their day, mine, yours and the Internet. Nothing and nobody will ever change your mind.
So without further ado I set out to enlist all this (and first) blog managed. Please, if I forget something, do not hesitate to put it in the comments:
• We do know that to see them as kabunes karmavochos.
• Hoacho found that actually only has a jacket.
• We did the world know that in a radio (radio kamracuántica) said that "more than Humberto Ramos." And do not deny it because more than two heard.
• Findings indicate mafufos concepts as historical memory, kunda Kalari, etc.
• He displayed his cowardice by posting horrible posts and then delete them from your blog.
• We confirmed that his career is actually DOWN. • In passing
found that if you have 30 years of "experience" doing something half right, are 30 years of experience doing something half right. That does not make you the best and much less worthy of respect just for your "career."
• We found that the historical memory of Oscar is "like I've fought with all means, my friends and those who gave me money to take Karmatron." •
learned that "doing a daily strip is the easy way" .
• We see that their fans are still waiting for him to answer their strips Bachan karmazinger.
• We found that Oscar, who filled his mouth to say that only knows how to draw comics as they should, can not draw noses. Check out my little friends, all their faces are always on hand, because they know how to draw them from the front. The same goes for lighting. He has no idea of \u200b\u200blight and shadow and tries to fill this lack with thousands of little lines that makes nonsense everywhere. And not to mention the copetazo of Zacek.
• We also learned that he has no idea what the word critic.
• It was important to see as lower porvocación, Oscar threat. Threatens to believe war threatens to throw lawyers, threatens to take "action." And then goes and yells that threatened him when that never happened either in this blog. • learned
that moderating comments is cowardly and the typical I take but I stand.
• Fans and non fans knew that Oscar has taken 20 comics in 20 years-well, 18 - (I'm told bluedemon rebel). In a comic per year, and then dares to say that "if you live in the comics."
• discover together, the hatred of Oscar advertising. We also found that advertising eat. Curious contradictions.
• I learned that the writer is said, not necessarily written. Susana Romero wrote snack with V.
• All together here we witnessed horrors spoke of web comics that did not even have said, (sorry, no link because Mr. deleted the post, but here review) then filled his mouth and say that in 1996 he invented the web comics.
• We learned that Oscar is very independent and wants to get independent comics. Just waiting for someone to give money for it.
• Thanks to this blog knew what the ULTRASARCASMO.
• Very important lesson: the losers are the winners and the winners are the losers. OGT is proud to be a loser and screams coming into the offices of their customers. Discovered in passing that his English is bad writing because looser insisted on double o.
• discover the secret hiding place of all Karmatron not sold and The stalls, shops and distributors K! return: Oscar in the room! And that's because it has no room furniture. Is only space.
• So long insisted that they were "making mattresses, their fans and we begin to wonder if money was changing ... to sell mattresses.
• We saw when he returned to pop out of Karmatron (again) rather than be humble and recognize that perhaps had something to do, attacked all right and sinisetra burnt not only with the environment if not their fans.
• We saw that language to attack every day is: "some people anyone out there can not say for obvious reasons, is very respectable but ... for various reasons beyond our control and so on. "cowardly never say or give specific names to later say" no, I did not mean to you. "
• It has been notorious as the failure to agree with him has made fans (in Oscar's own blog) to receive kicks and the classic IS THAT YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND . • We believe that Oscar
learned that it is very easy to talk and talk but very hard work. It filled the mouth of that in the 80 `s to who knows how many pages Karmatron a day (I think 3, clear out of ink or color), and now in the convention for a thousand drawings (also no stroke or color) and today is the date that you can not get anything. He announced his web comic in September. We are now only published in February and "quizzes" of 4 pages without balloons.
• We know the deep influence of the kabunes our blog. A Hoacho and say "the jackets" used by "karmacuaros" etc.
• I discovered that the mob also prevents distribution Kabum draw their web comics. (Tell me if I did not learn to handle the sarcasm?).
• Know the requirements according K! to comment about the comic:
1. Birth Certificate.
2. Certificate of kindergarten.
3. Scores for all primary and any special reporting.
4. High school grades and certificate of completion of studies.
5. High ratings certificate of completion of studies and laboratory practice.
6. Certificate of university studies terms and Professional Certificate.
7. RFC with CURP.
8. 6 child-sized photos without glasses and high forehead (women with little makeup, please.)
9. 22 letters of recommendation from past jobs or employers.
10. Pink Sheet IMSS (still are pink?)
11. Proof of income (copies of bank statements, well, 3 minimum).
12. Proof of residency.
13. IFE credential. 14 Minutes
failing marriage or evidence that we live in amasiato.
15. If you're single, you need to try it, too.
16. The number of comics (domestic and foreign) READ, because some people have a rest in his collection of stories that has not shoot.
17. A copy of the policy of major medical insurance and life (if you do not have insurance, go rushing to hire).
18. Specify how many comic conventions attended. If conventions have been organized better.
19. A picture of you with your computer. It is important to confirm that you have access to the network and the computer he uses is "theirs to you ".
20. Submit copies of autographs and sketches by local authors and / or foreigners. not worth having the single karmaslave, it requires at least three APs say that it is chipocludo. accepted and two sketches by audiographic the dude that makes Jar Jar or your friend who Alf at last two are also both karmacuarros (first until he entered the arguendo in supercomics ... defending the indefensible, of course)
21. A photo with AL Comic LEAST a celebrity. Ideally foreigners, in the case of national celebrity photos are allowed only with Humberto Ramos.
22. Provide at least two recordings of radio programs (do not have the Internet radio broadcasts, but the-air stations) and a television.
23. FANZINES not allowed under any circumstances, so neither load.
24. Submit at least one story published before he was born the would-be "pseudo-comic"
25. Death certificate.
• understood that Oscar needs enemies. If no enemies no "reason to fight" which means that one of these its karmamigos you go. Few things together as much as an enemy. When you are finished, invents, manufactures them. Who fights with not even been peeled back as long as the news and keep your group together. Believe me, will miss this blog, because outside of here, if it is not working, NOBODY IS GOING TO SPEAK NO MORE OF HIM.
• And last but not least we learned that Oscar envy anyone who dares to work and do things that you know you can not do, Bachan, Ramos, Micro and a long list of "colleagues envious "have surpassed Oscar and it does not. This is something that many people already knew privately was made public in the Bachaton, where he met the media with a very particular aim, and Oscar showed that the only goal is to do what he wants and if others do not obey or not, are wrong, because the medium is and nobody else.
And that is a record of what happened to the Bachaton Bachan see what published and bite the link just below where the first post of this blog, the lovely Oscar threats ( if losedek here) and the incredible analysis did edgar Legionnaire of the "review" of Oscar of the event.
And at the end of the day I met extraordinary people but never knew their faces. I am honored to have had you as Legionnaires: Gaby Maya, Edgar Legionnaire, Moonwarden, Charrus enigmaticus, GaaraMonster, Oscarindio, Juan Miguel, Karmazinger, KLS, anonymous 2, Spicy Hellhound, the hair always, Mike, Fur cover devil, Bar , Segevirusx, Neta, Sopelana, Bruno. I hope not to forget anyone. Although Mexico hoped the writer who says that our hearts are filled with hate, I am grateful to have met people who actually doing is worthwhile. The anonymity is not important. I will miss.
It also recognized the work of all the anonymous anonymous legionnaires and kabunes. Thanks.
And before we say mushy pu-ti-tion , I say goodbye.
really heart to tell her Oscar: you get in life what he wanted others to have. Neither more nor less.
has been a great pleasure.
For not fucking with me by sending me are suing their lawyers are here:

And that means you with lawyers from Chespirito. LOL